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Sorrento Wedding

Giulio and Salome

Wedding in Sorrento, Villa Giusso, June 2015



In the middle of Sorrentine peninsula Giulio and Salome got married in breathtaking venue of Villa Giusso,  an old cloister on the top of a mountain right off the coast of Sorrento. It is a gorgous villa surrounded by vines and a mesmerizing view.


WEDDING VENUE: Villa Giusso - http://www.astapiana.com

BRIDE DRESS: Ida Sjöstedt – www.idasjostedt.com

GROOMS FORMAL WEAR: Sand - http://www.sandcopenhagen.com

WEDDING PLANNER: Giovanna Rispoli of Villa Giusso

SECOND SHOOTER: Matteo Crescentini - www.matteocrescentini.it

WEDDING VENUE: Villa Giusso - http://www.astapiana.com